3 best formulas for Business startups
To start a company is just like giving birth to the baby, how mother feels the pain and give birth to the baby and cry with her smile after delivering it.
Even the person one who is building a company feel the same pain, start ups are awesome, it feels great, you do something like no one thought of it, it’s challenging, it’s beautiful pain. Well startups will be having lots of challenges like fear of failure, lack of support from friends and family, main issue would be of finance. Now here are some possibilities which can help for startups to be strong from financial point of views.
1) Connecting business to business:
Well , being in business place and find , weather you will be able to connect business to business, for startups there will be no heavy work because of lack of finance and many other issues, so if you want to be in market you can help yourself to get money, for example some company need to buy computers and you know people ( shops or any whole sell dealers ) one who sell computers , you can connect them with each other and earn commission. If a company need 25 computers , you can charge Rs 800 to 1000 for each computer as a commission , you can earn Rs 20000 to 25,000 easily and it is just a work of 3 to 4 days to close the deal or if anybody wants to build a house or an apartment, hunt them and connect to the constrictions company or to any civil engineer and earn commission, for example if anybody wants to build an apartment of 12 or 24 house the projects would be of 2 crore to 4 crore, so if you charge 1% to 2% as a commission of entire project, you may earn 2 lacks to 4 lacks or 4 lacks to 8 lack and that’s huge money, so if you keep an eye on market it will automatically help you for both the things, you can work for your business and as well as earn commission and get your financial support because at the end of the day you have to look after your minimum expenses and if needed you can help your family too. So once you earn enough money by applying this commission base strategy, when you feel its a time for you to jump for your full time business and make a move.
2) Have a damn good team:
So if you have a team of 4 to 5 members, among them 2 to 3 members can take up a job and rest of 2 members can do full time business. The members who had taken jobs can support the company as well as the rest of partners and financially from outside for day to day expenses. For example members who had taken job and earning around 20,000 to 30,000 thousand rupees as monthly salary , so the total amount would be 60,000 to 90,000 and in that each person can contribute 5,000 to 10,000 thousand rupees, so the total amount would be of Rs 15,000 to 30,000 and that amount can be given to the rest of two members who is working for full time business as salary and for office expenses until the business get succeed. mean while in this process you never get demotivated because of lack of finance. Once you get into rite track in business, then the rest of the members who are working, they can also join company for full time business .
3) Do multiple businesses:
Yes, you have to do multiple businesses in one company, one would be your core business and another one would be the process which can bring immediate cash flow for the business, In this way you can have cash flow and it will help you to meet your expenses and also help for core business, for example if you are having software company ( build websites or some small applications )which gives you immediate cash flow, if you have 5 member's in your team, then 2 members can work for website or any app and rest of the members can work for core business, or take classes( C++, Java) for students in the morning and evening hours which gives you immediate cash flow to look after your expenses and rest of time you can work on for your core business. Once it starts to develop then you can stop this small process and can concentrate on your business to make it even bigger and work hard.
Business is all about finding ways to have cash flow for a company, no matter how much you work hard , you have to have a cash flow to meet your day to day expenses, so if you want to become big deal never stop finding ways for cash flow.
In startups you have to be very strong, you have to work hard, be more focused, be careful about risk, be generous and never stop learning . Millionaires say’s “if you want to be a big deal, never stop learning.