Fellowship or Mentorship?
Fellowship or Mentorship????
We look for opportunities and learning is the only way to open the plethora of opportunities, which will lead to the blissful life. In the quest of learning we some time forget to impart these knowledge to our people. In the fellowship of knowledge, we tend to forget and are not aware to leave the legacy for other to learn the key insights and models that you had experienced in your life and such that their valuable time is saved and they should not start the whole thing from beginning. We forget mentoring is just not taking a session/class with your mentee, it’s an everyday’s process, such that, your mentee learns in the process. As they Say, “ You tell I might forget, If you show me I’ll remember, if you allow I’ll create a masterpiece” it might be in terms of sharing our experiences, a small wisdom of thoughts and some of the tricks that boast our life living skills and gives scope to learn a new one.
The value of mentorship is greatly learnt and realized in “Bhagavad Gita”, just think if Lord Krishna wouldn't mentored the Pandavas at the right time, they couldn't have won the battle of Good over Evil.
If Chanakya wouldn’t thought Arthashastra to Chandragupta Mourya , Ashoka the Great, the Mourya Dynasty wouldn't had the prominence of which it has it in the history book of such valour and greatness.
If Steve Jobs didn't mentored his company and would have left for the people to manage, it could have been disastrous for Apple Corporation.
So it’s important to create future quality leaders during the process of making an illustrious company or sportsman of vigour temperament or an artist of great charisma/panache.
Believe me in doing so, what quality things you are telling to your people is also 10 times more applicable for the person who is preaching it. By this the focus and adherence to live on the values increases exponentially and gives you the morale boast that is required for your own pursuit of success that you are looking for. If you are consistently successful in making people motivated or making them inspired, believe me you are on a roll to success and what you gave to people you will get the same in return 100 times than you ever imagined. That synergy of goodness and helping one another will formulate the factor that becomes the difference maker and it will prepare you and make you aware of the rich opportunities that you have it in store and make your world a better place to live and achieve the things you want.
So the benefits are immense and the rewards are even impeccable. So Learn and make people learn and get into the habit of winning.